The man surnamed Yu took the certificate and glanced at it smoothly and asked, "How many days have you been here?"


"Two days"
"How many days?"
"It may not take a week or so," Wu Tianyin replied with a smile. "We have to look at the goods."
Temporary zone passes are difficult to verify, because the crowd is too mobile, so this game should be of little significance.
After the man surnamed Yu swept his eyes, he returned the certificate to Wu Tianyin. "Go ahead and rest."
"hey!" Wu Tianyin nodded.
"Is there anything wrong with the team leader?" A police officer came in wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying a micro-rush and asked 1
"Not to go to a store to look for it." The young man surnamed Yu replied in front of Wu Tianyin and then stepped out of the room and left with everyone.
Wu tianyin squinted at the back of everyone and walked over to the shopkeeper and asked, "what is this?"
"I heard that it was to catch some food." The shopkeeper replied smoothly, "Don’t worry, rest."
"Hehe, it’s fun." Wu Tianyin smiled back and said to Ahong, "Don’t you want to go to the toilet?"
"Ah," Hong instantly reacted and stepped out. "I’ll take a shit."
Outside the hospital
Yu surnamed the man immediately waved his hand and said, "Let’s go and find a fork in the road first."
"Is it his mother?" The co-pilot asked
"Mom B, this photo is too old." Yu surnamed the man frowned and said, "I’m not sure."
At this, the two cars almost turned forward together and left the visible position of the food and lodging shop and stopped at a path.
"You two go back to the courtyard and stare at them." The man surnamed Yu told the driver.
After the car two people smell it, they immediately pushed the door and drove the car with a gun and quickly walked around the main entrance of the accommodation shop from the side road to the fork in the road on the left side of the back door of the courtyard.
After two or three minutes.
Ah Hong returned to the room. "There should be nothing wrong with the car leaving. It seems to be a surprise visit."
Wu Tianyin sat on the edge of the kang and looked up immediately after careful consideration for a long time and asked, "Is it in the boss’s yard?"
"Unloading at the door?" Acer nodded.
Wu Tianyin suddenly got up and quickly came to the window and said, "Go here for the iron railing."
"Not in? !” Acer asked in surprise.
"Is it still necessary to catch a few fucking grain vendors?" Wu tianyin answered coldly, "since it’s a temporary inspection, why didn’t we even check our luggage?"
Ah Hong was shocked by the smell.
"Don’t hold the bottom," Wu Tianyin urged again, "Take things and go first."
"Yes, go first." An Zai heard that he immediately pulled the window from the room and took the iron railing with his hands and stepped on the windowsill.
After a burst of sound, the driver picked up the tablet and took a look at "here comes the photo"
The man surnamed Yu immediately looked at the probe and saw that Wu Tianyin’s latest photo was taken when he went home to apply for a poverty certificate, and the person who sent the photo was not a superintendent in Songjiang, but a department of the People’s Livelihood Department. This photo was obviously just transferred.
"Mom is him!" After the man surnamed Yu scolded, he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Two cars go to the main entrance quickly. That was the suspect just now!"
After the voice fell, everyone pushed the door and the car, while the man surnamed Yu was another walkie-talkie and shouted "Li Team Li Team!"
Another hotel, Li Xian, answered with a walkie-talkie, "Go ahead!"
"You didn’t search me. I met a suspect here …" The man surnamed Yu hurried to the hotel and said the situation at the walkie-talkie while speaking quickly.
"Bang bang …!"
An Zai windowsill kicked at least a dozen feet on the edge of the railing continuously before the iron railing collapsed and the screws were half open.
"Bang bang!"
An Zai hit the N iron railing on the shoulder again, and instantly flew. He jumped out of the window and turned his head to look around. He saw the two defense team members who came to block the defense. "Brother … I have a crossroads!"
Wu Tianyin window directly pulled out a pistol from the bag after hearing the propaganda and got out of the window neatly.
"Yu Zu Yu Zu, they jumped out of the window …" A policeman with a walkie-talkie shouted in a hurry at the intersection.
Wu Tianyin instantly turned to the left after jumping out of the window and decisively raised his arm to the abnormal condition.
"High-pitched …!"
The gun sounded like firecrackers, and two police officers at the fork in the road were instantly shrunk back.
"We must have been ordered. There are definitely more than six of them!" Wu Tianyin shouted with a dignified expression after firing several shots again, "Walk faster according to the previous step!"
Chapter 722 Killing rush

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