Although very unhappy, Zhou Lin said that Haikui felt it necessary to reach the fairyland as soon as possible, so that there was no need to always feel that someone was staring at him.


No, then I feel uncomfortable when I want to make out with a beautiful woman. I always feel that someone is watching a big movie next to me.
Zhou Lin can know that he is no longer communicating with Haikui.
The call of "Gong" brought Hai Kui back to reality.
Haikui’s eyes shine. Isn’t that what I miss Xiaozhu so much? Hey, hey, think of it.
I just thought I couldn’t touch my mind and let Zhou Lin see it, but this second has left my thoughts behind my head.
"Sister Xiaozhu, I was just wondering when I could see you now." Haikui looked excited.
Xiaozhu’s mouth twitched and said, "Hai Gong, you haven’t had breakfast yet. Go to the restaurant. You are ready."
Xiao Zhu pointed sideways to the left. "You can go straight in this direction and you can get to the restaurant."
Seeing what she means, let yourself go. She doesn’t go to Haikui and asks strangely, "Did you have breakfast? Let’s go together. "
"I won’t go. People can’t go to the restaurant with their hosts and guests. Sorry, I have to leave now."
Small bamboo said and turned to go.
Haikui hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop Xiaozhu from leaning sideways. Haikui stretched out his hand and slammed it on Xiaozhu’s ass. Xiaozhu turned black in an instant. "Hai Gong, please show some respect."
"Oh, I’m sorry, Sister Xiaozhu. I didn’t mean to. I haven’t seen you for a few days and I’m a little happy." Haikui hurriedly explained.
Xiaozhu didn’t believe what he said. This little eye was dishonest and full of thoughts. It was definitely intentional. She left with a black face and ignored Haikui.
"Little bamboo elder sister …"
Haikui saw that Xiaozhu had left, so he stretched out his right hand and tasted it slowly. Although it was a feeling of urgency, it was really elastic.
After a while, Haikui got up and walked to the restaurant.
When we arrived at the restaurant, Haikui, Jingxiang, Linchen and Stephane were all here, just a few young people, and of course, a group of people were waiting for them to have breakfast.
"Hey, you’re all here." I knew they had been here for half a day when I saw the leftovers on the table.
"Why didn’t anyone call me?" Haikui continued.
"Oh, we didn’t find you, so we came first." Linchen hurriedly got up.
Shit, I’m such an adult sitting in the living room of Yunxi Yuejia villa and didn’t find me? What do you mean? I looked up at the moon again. This chick didn’t even look at her. Didn’t she know she was going to her villa? Didn’t this girl call me?
"Sit down for dinner" Shizuka glanced at Haikui and said coldly.
"What medicine did you take wrong?" Hai Kui muttered something: How did he feel that the clouds and the moon were not normal, Shizuka was not normal, and even Xiaozhu was not normal just now?
Chapter 62 Break up (for collection)
"Senior, please sit down." Linchen came over and hurriedly gave Haikui a stool.
Because I feel that several people are not normal, Haikui is also in a bad mood. He frowned and said to Linchen, "Didn’t I tell you yesterday? Don’t call your predecessors, okay? You are 27. I should call you Brother Yichen."
"Then how dare you be okay? I won’t call you a senior." Linchen said awkwardly.
Stephane saw Haikui in a bad mood and stopped saying anything. The atmosphere was very dull at the moment.
People Haikui brought a bowl of lotus porridge and cooked two vegetarian dishes for Haikui again. In front of Haikui, Haikui’s face softened a little. He had no problem with people. They were all working people, and their parents also worked for others. He never thought of being served by others. He still respected them.
"Thank you," Haikui smiled at Zhan Yan, the man who served himself rice.
Suddenly it occurred to him that he took out 700 yuan from his arms and said to the people in the restaurant, "You have worked hard. This 700 is one hundred for each of you. I thank you for taking care of me."
Cloud precious little moon black face cold drink a way "Haikui what do you mean? Their salary is paid by my cloud family and you don’t need to give it."
"Haikui, why do you always make Xiyue angry today?" Shizuka dissatisfied and said
Haikui thinks she’s more wronged than Dou E. Did I offend her? Did I offend him? Without rhyme or reason!
He saw that people were all looking at their hearts and putting money back in their pockets. "If you don’t give it, you won’t give it!" Pick up the porridge and shout.
"Rude" cloud precious little month shouted at.
Now, even a fool knows who she said. Haikui is strange. This is going to be like that.
Lin Chen and Stephane left you to look at me. I’ll look at you. I don’t know what to say at the moment.
Haikui heard Yunxiyue yelling at him, and he snored louder, and then he drank all the soup in one breath. Then he slammed the bowl and bowed to Yunxiyue. "Thank you, the porridge is delicious." Then he turned and left.
"You live" Shizuka shouted.
Haikui stopped but didn’t look back.
"What’s the matter with you two?" Shizuka looked at the clouds and asked Cherish Moon.
Yunxi Moon’s eyes sparkled with tears and she felt wronged.
Seeing that Yunxi Moon bit her lip without saying anything, she turned to look at Haikui’s back. "Haikui, why do you cherish Moon? Why do you bully her?"
Haikui turned around and said, "I don’t even know how to be good before the incident. After my great uncle and I came back, the attitude of cherishing the moon changed."
"You really didn’t annoy her?" Shizuka asked if he didn’t believe it
Through these two days, I got along quietly, but I knew that Haikui was cheap and shameless, and I still held a disbelief attitude towards him. I turned my head and asked Yunxiyue, "Is Xiyue being frivolous with you?"
Haikui looked at Shizuka in surprise and hurriedly said, "What kind of person am I? Am I?"
Seeing this, Lin Chen hurriedly said, "I look at my predecessors. Oh, no, I don’t think Hai Brothers are like this!"
Shizuka turned to stare at Linchen. "What do you think he looks like? He is a big pervert."
Stephane Lala Linchen shook his head slightly and told him to shut up. Linchen closed his mouth.

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