"There is no ammunition bayonet", and the head shouted "Come out with me!"


Seventy soldiers rushed out from the main entrance of the main building in an instant, and most of them had run out of ammunition just now because the ammunition depot of the building had been destroyed by RPG mortars.
This group of people rushed from the front with red eyes.
"Fuck your mother, I’m afraid you won’t come out." Ou Xiaobin waved his hand. "How many machine guns are ready to kill!"
Machine gunners are ready
The enemy soldiers blinked and rushed to the crowd.
"Sweep me!" Ou Xiaobin waved his hand.
"Dadada …!"
Machine guns rang wildly, and the enemy soldiers in the front row fell to the ground and the soldiers in the back row rushed over. Senior officers were killed in the first wave of charge.
After the machine gun rang for more than 20 seconds, the Japanese-Korean soldiers of the enemy died. Finally, only 20 Indian soldiers squatted with minor injuries and raised their guns in broken Chinese and shouted, "Surrender! We surrendered!"
Ou Xiaobin was dazed.
Not far away, Meng Xi directly shouted, "Don’t stop shooting machine guns."
The gunner hesitated to look at Ou Xiaobin.
"Fire! !” Ou Xiaobin clutched his fist and shouted, "I’m not always here to catch prisoners. There will be no prisoners in this war. After the port of Guinness, either you die or I live to kill! !”
"da da da!"
The machine gun caught fire again, leaving more than 20 soldiers and war departments to be shot.
Meng Xi glanced appreciatively at Ou Xiaobin, admiring him for his decisive surprise attack. In this case, there are few troops and the attacker. They are not qualified to catch prisoners and take these people to affect their combat effectiveness. Once the situation changes, they will take up their guns and become enemies. Besides, Meng Xi’s character and views are that this decisive battle is not a military conflict, but a race. After the death of Guinness Port, the war has risen to the most cruel stage.
Most of the defense units have fallen.
Ou Xiaobin immediately ordered the HQ to personally report to Qin Yu that "we have controlled the defense unit to request the fleet to give Chinese support".
A minute later
Fu Zhenguo received the news of Sichuan government’s request to dispatch Chinese forces, briefly thought about it and said, "Now the Chinese unit can’t let them wait back."
At the same time, Daya led troops to attack the hangar and quickly joined the remaining troops to advance to the port coast.
In the central position of the big army, Daya shouted quickly with the assembled communication equipment. "… we are the first to finish now. Push me to the fleet parking area and play there for the home passage."
Chapter 24 Report I look for opportunities by myself.
After the No.1 military port defense unit was almost cleaned up, Ou Xiaobin immediately joined the team and prepared to evacuate this area.
Fu Zhenguo, the command room of the No.1 super destroyer on the southern coast of the sea, looked at the enemy fleet’s arrangement of crossfire from the observation mirror, and his forehead was covered with fine sweat. "Why haven’t they put the unit in the middle when we have been bombarded for so long?"
The co-captain thought about it and replied, "They are worried that because Port No.1 was attacked, they may also consider whether to send the Chinese unit back to support, but they are afraid that we will launch a decisive attack when the Chinese unit leaves."
"Ma Port is blocking buildings and there are a large number of their own personnel, and we have 4 thousand soldiers to carry out sneak attacks. What can you do if you send bombers to wipe out the enemy?" Fu Zhenguo frowned and replied, "To support the port is also the military base of the five districts. Personally, I think they are still waiting for the opportunity."
"It is also possible," an officer nodded.
"Japanese officers have a way of fighting naval battles that they can’t lead us by the nose. We have to force them to hand over their fire prevention power." Fu Zhenguo briefly thought about it and immediately ordered, "Let the frigates on both sides make way for our main ship, and order the rear amphibious assault ship to stand by. All ship defense units must cheer up and put pressure on them."
People will respond

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