Will you retaliate against Xizhou Semiconductor in Silicon Valley? It’s not a vegetarian. This is a market of hundreds of billions of meters. Xizhou Semiconductor has long been jealous of biting people. I don’t know how many times the three parties have privately fought.


The current situation is that Xizhou Alliance itself produces part of Silicon Valley, part of Suiren and part of it.
If Silicon Valley dares to do things, Xizhou Semiconductor will definitely fall to the people, and then Silicon Valley will be even more troublesome.
Therefore, Silicon Valley has to abandon the positive suppression of Xizhou Semiconductor and consolidate its markets in America, Oceania and Asia-Pacific.
However, if all parts of the world were not stupid enough to support Silicon Valley, instead, they introduced Suiren and Xizhou to form a situation of checks and balances to ensure that their market was not monopolized by which side.
Huang Xiuyuan, after reading the current semiconductor situation, has three pillars. In fact, Chu and Han can compete for hegemony, and Xizhou can also have both sides.
He handed the document to Lin Baijie. "The semiconductor industry in Nanbo Bay is declining very fast. This year, the Taiwanese foundry industry has decreased by 413% compared with last year, and its net profit has dropped by 697%. It seems that their days are not long."
Jiang Hailin smiled and shook his head. "Sooner or later, it will be heard that Taiji is attacking the 16-nanometer process. If they know that we are now in the chip process, will they collapse by themselves?"
"Don’t give them some color to see if they are really replaceable." Huang Xiuyuan sneered coldly.
After reading the research report, Lin Baijie also found that the semiconductor industry in Nanbo Bay was on the wane. In order to ensure the profits of Intel, Gexin and Texas Instruments, Silicon Valley had to place a large number of orders with its parents.
As a result, Taiji, Samsung, United and MediaTek had to keep customer orders through price reduction promotion.
In economic terms, it is in a state of serious volume.
Samsung still has its own consumer to keep part of the market, while Taiwan products, United and MediaTek have suffered heavy losses.
The semiconductor industry accounts for 29% of the total GDP of Nanbo Bay, and its four pillar industries are manufacturing, display, precision instruments and industrial control.
The monitor is getting cold; The independent brand in manufacturing is also a heavy loss, leaving a part of the industry; Precision instruments and industrial control industries are gradually declining with the decline of other industries.
Disgraced repression and this year’s energy crisis triggered global economic turmoil. It is estimated that the GDP of Nanbo Bay will be 3.3 billion meters in 2012, down 76% year-on-year
Plus the 42% decline last year, the economic recession is extremely terrible.
You know, they still maintained rapid growth during the two-year economic crisis, and their GDP reached 392.9 billion meters.
Now back to the 27 level, this decline has brought about a huge chain reaction. The most direct situation is that the local per capita income has dropped and the unemployment rate has been rising.
However, it is very obvious that the impact of semiconductor, consumer, display, precision instrument and industrial control equipment is not over yet.
However, two other industries have also been hit by embarrassing people, that is, fruit and tourism
Suiren company Fengmin Agriculture, Feipeng Group and Time Information build an industrial chain of agriculture, express delivery and commerce, so that fruits from all over the country can go out of their place of origin and those who disappear can also purchase cheap and good fruits and vegetables.
In particular, the input of the WIG carrier makes the transportation in the northern and southern coastal areas straight down.
The pineapple purchased from Qiongzhou and Xuwen is transported to Jingang and Beiping by ground effect transport ship. The purchase price of 11 yuan is ~13 yuan per kilogram.
The wholesale price per kilogram is 2~35 yuan selling price is 4~5 yuan.
I don’t know how much cheaper it is than importing pineapple from Nanbo Bay.
However, in recent years, the scale of imported fruits has indeed gradually expanded, and farmers in Nanbo Bay have also continuously increased the planting area of pineapples, bananas, pitaya, guava and lotus seeds, which are profitable.
With the decline of semiconductor and other pillar industries, they have to rely more on fruits and tourism.
It’s a hidden crisis. Many local people have already sensed the danger, but they can’t maintain the economic base by drinking poison to quench their thirst.
Sometimes I know that the other party is up to something, but I have to take the initiative to walk into the trap.
Guan Zhong defeated Chu in the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period.
It’s the best way to solve the problem.
Chapter four hundred and twenty Island purchase and tourists
After discussing the semiconductor industry, Huang Xiuyuan asked another thing, "Have you arranged the Baijie Ellis Islands?"
"From the first half of last year, we transferred the local population of 110,000 to Mobei through the resettlement plan. Now the population of Ellis Islands is all employees of our company," Lin Baijie replied cautiously.
"What about gilbert islands?"
Lin Baijie continued to answer, "gilbert islands has a relatively large population and we have only replaced more than 50,000 people, but the core management is all our people. It is estimated that the proportion of the local population will drop to 3% by the end of this year."
"Very good"
Huang Xiuyuan spread the map of the Pacific Ocean. Although the land area of Ellis Islands and gilbert islands is small, the ocean area is vast.
The marine exclusive economic zones of the two islands are 750,000 square kilometers and 350,000 square kilometers respectively.
In 21 years, Huang Xiuyuan stared at these two places.
Far south Pacific
A transport plane at Christmas Island International Airport in gilbert islands slowly landed on the airport runway, and tourists from North America came from the plane one by one.
James, wearing sunglasses, took off his glasses and adapted to the sunshine. He took the suitcase with his wife and children and walked to the island town.

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随着人们生活水平的提高,宠物已经成为许多家庭不可或缺的一员。为了给爱宠带来更好的生活品质,越来越多的宠物主人开始关注宠物的健康和美容护理。在广州,宠物SPA已经成为一种时尚,为爱宠提供专业护理,让它们焕新颜。以下是广州几家值得推荐的宠物SPA,让您的爱宠享受高品质的呵护。 首先,广州宠爱你萌宠乐园是一家集宠物游乐、美容SPA、宠物寄养、宠物医疗等多功能于一体的宠物乐园。这里的环境优美,空气清新,拥有专业的护理人员和医疗设备,确保宠物的健康和安全。在宠物美容SPA区域,专业的美容师会为宠物进行全方位的清洁和护理,让它们焕然一新。此外,还有宠物游泳池、宠物美容SPA、宠物寄养等设施,满足宠物主人的多样化需求。 其次,广州伊索国际贸易有限公司的宠物护理品牌——伊索(IASUO)致力于为爱宠提供高品质的洗护产品。其产品不添加强烈的化学成分和人工香料,精选上等草本成分,如柠檬皮、茶叶、薄荷叶及海盐等,确保宠物的皮肤和绒毛得到有效呵护。伊索宠物沐浴露性质温和,含有茶树精华,具有抑菌去异味的作用,低泡设计,易于冲洗干净,不假滑。宠物主人可以放心使用,为爱宠打造一个清新舒适的护理体验。 再次,广州萌宠生态乐园是一家专为宠物爱好者打造的休闲场所。这里汇聚了各种可爱的小动物,如猫、狗、鸟类等。宠物与主人可以尽情地享受欢乐时光,共度美好时光。萌宠生态乐园不仅提供了丰富的宠物活动项目,还设有专业的宠物医疗护理服务,确保宠物的健康和安全。在宠物美容SPA区,宠物们可以享受到专业的美容服务,焕发活力。 最后,广州萌宠乐园上海分公司为爱宠人士打造了一个梦幻天堂。这里有各种各样的宠物,包括狗、猫、鸟和爬行动物等。您可以与您的宠物一起参加各种活动,如游泳、跑步、玩耍等。此外,还提供专业的护理服务,包括美容、洗澡、修剪指甲等。这里的员工都经过专业培训,确保您的宠物得到最好的照顾。 总之,在广州,宠物SPA已经成为一种时尚的生活方式。为爱宠提供专业护理,让它们焕新颜,不仅能让宠物更加健康、美丽,还能增进宠物主人与爱宠之间的感情。不妨为您的爱宠选择一家合适的宠物SPA,让它们享受高品质的呵护吧!

Yunfeng was originally ordered to search for the monsters lurking at the bottom of the sea and become a demon party. He just succeeded in listening to Zhen Shi’s brother’s talk about the strong enemy, which seems to be a school of jellyfish in the past years. Yunfeng didn’t know the origin of jellyfish first, but then he happened to meet five people, including Qi Lingyun, Zhou Qingyun, Yan Renying, Lin Han and Zhuang Yi, who talked about many strange things about jellyfish and said that jellyfish had learned the truth for thousands of years. Although they had been sitting dead for thousands of years and closed the underwater grottoes in the North Sea, she still had several masters and waiters and waitresses in the palace, all of whom were Xuan Yin’s true qi and his Guishui elite have been refined into magic weapons, and they are the most powerful and competitive. When they meet, it is best not to provoke her. The other party is a little arrogant and arrogant, but rarely does evil deeds. The canon is also quite strict. Even if there are many kinds of bad guys in the younger generation, they should ask for the origin and name. You should not ask for his teacher’s name. Yunfeng was struggling because of her unmarried husband Yu Yunzhong. At that time, there was another thing in her heart that she asked for help. She was instructed by her teacher not to kill Lei Qilong by mistake, and she ordered Sha Yu. Mi Yu’s second primary school accompanied Yunzhong to think of her husband’s deep affection and righteousness, and his heart was firm and his bones were poor, like Emei’s men and women in the same school. Male and female practitioners like Ling Yun Sun Nan often can’t do it together, so they don’t listen to Ling Yun and others until they are bored. They know that the jellyfish gate is very powerful and has expertise. Others didn’t pay attention. At this time, I heard that the enemy is jellyfish, and they remembered Ye Bin’s great trust. In the future, there will be several demon people on the 47 th island, although their mana is not high, but they have a lot of connections with their predecessors’ narcissus. The narcissus just doesn’t want to hurt her but won’t give her a little power and won’t count back. It is bestA finger out of the water means that Yu Lingshen just rushed to listen to the laughter, and the monk’s urgent call did not remind me that this is the reason why the advanced mana of the same school is both knowledgeable and widely stopped, so I can’t help but hesitate.

That white gas came from the right hand of the…