What surprised the audience even more was the so-called Greater China Federation in the background of the story.


To some extent, this is the emergence of the greater China Federation in the future, and it is necessary to test and warm up so that the people can gradually become familiar with and accept this concept.
It is not convenient for the national television station to announce this concept, but Mobei and the South Pacific have no worries to announce these future concepts.
Liu Xing watched it with relish for an hour. When the two broadcasts were over, he got up and yawned, ready to go to bed.
But as soon as he brushed his teeth, his words rang, and when he saw that it was his father’s words, he quickly turned on.
"Hey dad, haven’t you slept so late?"
"I’m going to sleep. It’s not new year. Are you coming back this year?" Father’s hoarse voice echoed in his ears.
"No, it’s not easy to buy a ticket back to Panzhihua. I’m going to go back after the New Year. By the way, I’ll pay 5 yuan for my family. Take it and buy some clothes and home for my little sister and mom."
"Don’t! You’re not officially paying this money now. Your mother and I can still do it. "
"Dad! You don’t worry about money on my side. I’ll call your card every day. I’ll rest and you’ll go to bed early. "
Then Liu Xing hung up without giving his father a chance to refuse.
Early the next morning
After washing at seven o’clock, Liu Xing went to the downtown area to have a breakfast in the cold wind with down.
When he came to the hospital, his horse entered the working state.
There are relatively many patients and medical staff in the department of Liu Xing.
Just after seeing several patients, he was informed of the early meeting.
The chief physician took a document and said, "There are a few things to say today, and everyone should remember them carefully."
Turning to the first page, the chief physician said seriously, "The first thing is that a group of Southeast Asian medical students will exchange and study in our hospital for a while in a few days."
"Southeast Asian medical students?"
"What do these medical students want to learn?"
The chief physician explained that "as ordinary interns, they will return to China next year, mainly because our company is going to set up some hospitals locally, which is equivalent to talent reserve"
"So that’s it."
The chief physician went on to say, "The second thing is that the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine has a lot of achievements in the near future, and we need to do clinical tests here."
"Er … Are the achievements of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine reliable?" A doctor asked with concern
The chief physician shook his head. "Don’t think too much. Our group is not short of money and won’t engage in false things. Those achievements are all modern medical technologies formed after folk prescription research. You can have a look."
After that, he handed more than a dozen printed test reports to the doctors.
Liu Xing also got a copy.
These technologies are all new technologies re-developed by Shennong Tuansou folk prescription after modern research and optimization in recent years.
For example, the exercise method for treating allergic constitution combined with Chinese patent medicine and diet adjustment can effectively relieve allergic constitution through physical exercise.
In fact, this is to improve the allergic constitution by strengthening the epidemic through exercise.
Sub-health is a common problem among modern urban people, so it is necessary to exercise because people are weak and prone to problems.
These drugs and new technologies have been clinically tested several times and are now entering the third phase of large-scale clinical testing.
The chief physician went on to say, "The third thing is to organize another new technology, and you will know it when you turn to the last page."
Liu Xing turned to the last page of the third page and suddenly opened his eyes. The paper was impressively printed with a comprehensive treatment plan for HIV …
His doctor also talked about it in succession.
The chief physician pointed to the document, "Tuanluhe Headquarters has done 100 animal experiments, and the success rate is 100%, which has relatively little harm to human body. At present, the Ministry of Health has approved the group to conduct clinical phase II experiments."
"The success rate of animal experiments is so high that it seems that this technology has great potential." A doctor nodded.
Another middle-aged doctor frowned after reading the document. "This technology is not cheap!"
"Of course, it takes billions of companies to develop stem cell targeted culture, special interferon, gold nanorod particles and targeted drugs, but it is not charity."
The chief physician waved his hand. "Don’t say that he has his own conclusion as a pricing group. You can be a good worker."

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标题:熊宝宝SPA,广州亲子度假新选择 随着生活节奏的加快,人们越来越注重身心健康。而亲子度假作为家庭休闲的新宠,越来越受到家庭的青睐。在广州,一家名为“熊宝宝SPA”的亲子度假胜地,以其独特的特色和优质的服务,成为了广州亲子度假的新选择。 熊宝宝SPA位于广州市中心,占地面积约1000平方米,是一家集亲子度假、休闲娱乐、美食餐饮于一体的综合性场所。这里环境优雅,设施齐全,为家长和孩子们提供了一个舒适的休闲空间。 走进熊宝宝SPA,首先映入眼帘的是充满童趣的装饰。从墙壁上的卡通壁画,到各种可爱的玩偶,无不散发着浓厚的亲子氛围。在这里,孩子们可以尽情地玩耍,释放天性,而家长们则可以享受片刻的宁静。 熊宝宝SPA设有多个亲子活动区域,包括儿童游乐区、亲子SPA区、亲子健身区等。在儿童游乐区,孩子们可以在这里尽情地玩耍,攀爬、滑梯、荡秋千等设施一应俱全。而亲子SPA区则专门为家长和孩子们设计了多种SPA项目,如按摩、足疗、面部护理等,让家长在照顾孩子的同时,也能享受到身心的放松。 值得一提的是,熊宝宝SPA的亲子SPA项目独具特色。这里的SPA师均为专业培训,对儿童生理和心理特点有深入了解。在为孩子们进行SPA服务时,他们会根据孩子的年龄和需求,采用不同的手法和产品,确保孩子们在享受SPA的同时,也能得到身心的呵护。 此外,熊宝宝SPA还设有亲子健身区,为家长和孩子们提供了一个锻炼身体的好去处。在这里,家长可以陪伴孩子一起进行有氧运动、瑜伽等,增进亲子关系,同时提高身体素质。 除了丰富的亲子活动,熊宝宝SPA还提供美食餐饮服务。这里的餐厅环境优雅,菜品丰富多样,既有传统粤菜,也有西式美食。家长和孩子们可以在这里品尝美食,享受美好的亲子时光。 熊宝宝SPA作为广州亲子度假的新选择,不仅为家庭提供了一个休闲娱乐的好去处,还让家长和孩子们在度假过程中,增进了彼此的感情。在这里,孩子们可以尽情地玩耍,释放天性;家长们则可以放松身心,享受亲子时光。熊宝宝SPA,让您的广州亲子度假之旅更加美好!