But Lin Zen eyes looked over and shook his head slightly and looked at Lin Lei and Lin Luo.


At that moment, the windy day suddenly calmed down.
They don’t have to say much to know each other’s thoughts.
Don’t worry about Lin Zhan. Lin Leilin is a brother and sister.
The wind can hold back the grief of the heart and protect Lin Lei from the wild world.
Lin fell aside and looked at his mother’s departure. He cried and his face was covered with tears.
She knew that her mother had not forgotten the danger.
Mother knew it was dangerous and she didn’t intend to continue living!
She wants to leave with her father!
Linglong Xianwang desperately rushed to the emperor’s battlefield and held the scarred forest war tightly in his arms. Tears filled his eyes.
"How did you get out? How dangerous!"
Lin Zhan looked at Linglong Xianwang with tenderness in his eyes, and blood flowed in his mouth as he spoke.
This blood is red and dazzling.
"Didn’t you promise to come back?"
Exquisite fairy king feel arms more and more cold holding Lin Zen arms also more force cried and asked.
"Exquisite I can’t accompany you to continue walking …"
Lin Zhan sighed and became weaker and weaker.
At the same time, Lord Xuan Tian waved fifty emperors and the strong at the same time to slay Su Mo completely!
But they attacked the Soviet Union, but they fell to the tribe!
Su Mo seems to disappear from the original place, and the whole person escapes into the virtual and falls into a very strange state.
Many emperor the strong have never seen this kind of means slightly zheng.
Take this opportunity to Su Mo to release the power of fighting and burning Shou Yuan in ancient and modern times, and get to the extreme in the direction of the wild world!
Ten directions are guarded by a peak emperor.
Su Mo, desperate to release the blood vision, threw all the cards out of the five caves and rushed over directly!
The celestial peak emperor shot almost instantly broke Su Mo’s five caves!
The blood vessel vision is also fragmented
Spirit of war’s violent shaking didn’t last long before he collapsed and broke up.
Sumo was also hit hard and was beaten to spit out a big mouthful of blood. The vest was broken and the blue was exposed, revealing a huge palm print and the blood around it was bloody.
Su Mo seems oblivious to the red eyes and serious injuries. The price breaks through the encirclement and burns. Shou Yuan gallops away towards the wild world!
He is twelve natural violet!
His blood may save the emperor!
Seeing this, Lord Xuantian sneered slightly.
Although Su Mo rushed out of his containment, he was also seriously injured, which was a spent force.
They won’t last long after they catch up with Sumo.
Xuan days less main body movement with fifty emperor followed by the strong.

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