The mountain breeze slowly passed by, and the peach blossoms fluttered like fallen birds, flying around the upright Luoyu Wuma.


Looking at the two raw feathers that have fled, I was so quietly lost in thought.
While Wu Ma looked up one step behind and frowned at Luo Yu’s back in silence.
Sigh ~ long sigh.
Luo Yu closed her eyes, looked up and chuckled, "Oh ~ Brother, I will see you if you don’t force me."
At the moment, Luo Yu has learned something about Todd’s surface from the two strangers.
His disciples may be a little strange to Todd now, but Todd must know him very well.
How did the prince of Zhao say that in those days, he was also grateful to himself. Since he learned that the prince of Zhao was in danger, he would not stand by and watch.
Todd’s vulgarity is so violent that others seem to be on the side of the monarch, but he clearly knows what Todd is going to do, and the vulgar king also forces him to make an early decision
Sand ~ sand!
Like a mountain wind blowing
There are faint trees in the forest near the mountain road.
Luo Yu’s eyes suddenly froze and her mind suddenly sank. "Since I’m here, why don’t you show up?"
Sweeping through the forest kept ringing, and suddenly the forest on the south side was surprised and swept out several figures dressed in yellow clothes.
Then the forest slowly walked out of a tall man with a golden gun.
This man is junshan, the young master of your family.
And these monks dressed in yellow clothes, waist and wrist with animal armor are all disciples of the royal family.
Glancing sideways, I swept over these bloody and embarrassed monarchs. Luo Yu chuckled and turned to look at the peach blossom village. "Look … you suffered heavy losses?"
Junshan’s long and narrow eyes looked at the’ little beggar’ behind Luoyu, and then directly regarded it as extremely calm and a gun proudly. "Luoyu, is your Longmen protecting you?" Hum ~ they just want to wait for beaten to appear and take you up. "
"Oh?" Los feathers stand back hand self-regard immediately looked at junshan "it seems that I this smelly alcohol is also very sweet! So you can’t stand me before the dragon’s tail appears? "
"Really?" Junshan squinted slightly and sneered, "Can you stop us with a small Longmen?"
Luo Yu nodded in agreement, turned around and walked to the grave of husband, and casually said, "Yes ~ If Longmen can really block you, how can you, inverse acts, appear here?"
Came to the grave, feather turned to look at the people despise a smile and then scanned the rear forest, "come out? They all claim that the noble family must hide and hide? "
As soon as he said this, Wu Ma looked at the quiet forest in disbelief.
Less than two breath Lin unexpectedly swept out more than a dozen figures Qiu Shui Zong, Xuan Tian Zong, Gu Ying Zong and even the star Luo Feng Bai Li Shao Zhu-Bai Li Changfeng!
Luo Yu swept one by one and saw that most of these orthodox Taoists practiced condensed stars and scales, but there was no condensed star dzogchen in a temple!
At the sight of this, he immediately knew that Longmen Qianer was well-informed and naturally knew that his strength in Luoyu should be limited to hold off those strong temples.
And these templar monks Longmen should not want to block at the same time, but it is very likely that they will be unable to do so. After all, each clan has a rich family background and is not comparable to the new Longmen.
See a colchicine ZongDi refers to the sword shouted "feather! You’re doomed today, so don’t give up? "
Luo Yu was afraid of being surrounded by 20 monks, but he disdained to laugh and called Wu Ma to rub his head and asked, "Do you think they are good people or bad people, kid?"
Wuma looked at the crowd and frowned firmly. "Bad guy!"
Luo Yu laughed. "~ You have also seen that a child can distinguish between good and evil, so it is not enough to die!" "
A brother of Xuantian Zongdi laughed with a scale shield "~ Luoyu! It is still unknown who will die today. "
Baili Changfeng, on the other hand, crooned proudly and said, "How can a little child wait for us to be on the right path?"
"oh? That makes sense! " Luo Yu suddenly woke up and looked up at Wu Ma again. "They all pretend to be Taoist priests. How can you say they are bad people?"
Wuma’s eyebrows are even deeper, and the words are amazing. "Although I am young, I still know how to be grateful, but I don’t forget to repay the benefactor. What is it that the spirit of heaven hears about saving those people who claim to be famous in the fire and water, but in turn want to win the benefactor’s way?"

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