But Qin Gu is a reincarnation fairy after all.


When he was reincarnated, the chess fairy Jun Yu had not yet risen.
From this point of view, Jun Yu is also a junior before him!
Qin Gu pondered a little before slowly saying, "This statement is poor. According to the competition rules of Tianbang, I will challenge their qualifications to talk about taking advantage of others."
"The two of them fought. It was their choice of me."
"I want to win the top spot in the sky, but I am not more proud of Zongmen!"
Qin Gu’s remarks are also extremely severe.
Not only did you solve Junyu’s questioning, but you also rose to a higher level and combined the glory of the top clan in the sky.
Yu, the chess fairy, is, after all, a fairy from the mountains and seas.
Qin Gu assumed that even if she wanted to stop it, it would be bad to say anything.
There was a mockery in Jun Yu’s eyes, which seemed to have seen through Qin Gu’s mind and said, "Be yourself."
In the meantime, fly fairy gate.
Zong Feiyu stared at the boulder battlefield. Su Mo was combative and ready to get up.
"Meng Yao, I will slay this and give you this evil spirit!"
Zong Feiyu called Mengyao by her reincarnation as a true fairy, and she didn’t add the title of teacher and sister.
"Brother Zong has a heart"
Dream Yao slightly told a moment, "But Brother Zong should be careful. Don’t be careless. Don’t be careful that Su Mo has a cause."
"Don’t worry!"
Zong Feiyu smiled at the evil spirit and said confidently, "I am ready!"
Jushi battlefield
Yun Ting took a few breaths and swallowed a lot of elixirs. His breath gradually stabilized. He looked at Sumo with a complicated look. "You won this time, but not in my heart!"
Sue ink recognized whether YunHuaLiYouHua eyebrows a pick.
Yun Ting was about to speak square when two people suddenly appeared in the crowd on both sides. They were Shan Haixian Zongqin Ancient and Feixianmen Zongfeiyu!
The two men stared at them blazing with anger momentum monstrous fighting spirit rolling!
Yun Ting’s face sank and he suddenly grew up and looked at Qin Gu and Zong Feiyu. He slowly asked, "What are you two doing?"
Qin Gushen said, "The competition for the top spot in the Tianbang has its own rules, and it’s not up to you two to win or lose!"
Zong Feiyu stared at Su Moxie with malicious intent and laughed. "If you want to sit at the top of the sky, you must ask me the flying fish sword first!"

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