The appearance is not true, but it almost makes Lu Chen sure of his true identity. The magician man looked down at his eyes and a face of Meng forced Lu Chen’s face to emerge with a strange expression. "It’s quite like …"


He walked step by step from the sky to Lu Chen’s side and patted Lu Chen’s shoulder to eliminate the power of locking Liu Chen’s body.
"Don’t be nervous. According to my agreement with my alma mater, I will fulfill the last wish of the card messenger and I won’t kill you this time."
The magician laughed lightly
Lu Chen didn’t know what to say at the moment. I didn’t expect that painting pear clothes made the magician card. The ultimate trick was to summon the magician.
He is not sure whether this is a person or not.
But the magician just blocked the taboo means, and I think if he is not a person, he should have a considerable part of his body power to project two places at once.
"That’s … trouble predecessors"
Lu Chen saluted awkwardly. He looked at the subtext in the other language. The subtext was obviously that he didn’t kill him this time.
But anyway, at the moment, the other party is his own protector. After all, he is a strong man and he still has to respond.
"I can’t tell. It’s quite polite."
The magician seemed a little surprised, saying that he was walking towards the inner world. Liu Chen waved his hand in front of him with white gloves, and there appeared cards. "Then let’s end it quickly. After all, it’s illegal entry. I don’t want to be surrounded by old guys in the high world."
There’s another sound from the world department. Lu Chen doesn’t understand the language that doesn’t belong to his exchange category.
"You seem to have misunderstood something. Even if you belong to a detached creature, there is a qualitative gap between you and me. I want to guarantee that you are not dynamic enough."
The magician laughed and said that a card of spades 2 was flying into the inner world, and the boundary film crashed and shattered. However, the grey moon did not infect reality, but the reality infected it. In the grey moon, the world’s crimson playing cards disappeared like a clean-up.
There seems to be an angry roar in the world, which is the anger after taboo is offended.
For a moment, Lu Chen saw that in the depths of the inner world, it seemed like the end of time, and an indescribable crimson creature rose, as if another body had appeared.
"You can’t let the hole come empty."
The magician smiled and flew out another card. Suddenly, the whole world became square and had a two-dimensional trend, and the crimson figure was also compressed.
The crimson whisper sounded in the void, which was something that a magician could understand.
Lu Chen watched the war and wanted to learn something from it, but unfortunately he found that he could not see anything clearly and could not understand anything, which was beyond his current level of understanding.
Painting pear clothes leapt from the bow and came to Lu Chen’s place with the help of magic weapons. Soon she came to Lu Chen’s side. She looked at the battle ahead and her eyes flashed a little light, which seemed to understand some of the secrets.
"Can you understand the pear clothes?"
Lu Chen asked him that his mentality is very stable now. Anyway, he can’t intervene in this kind of battle himself. It is better to be a melon-eating crowd
"Some people can understand that he is also the law of fate, and it is very direct to present appearances."
Painting pear clothes nods that her realm is also too low to peep at the broken way.
She didn’t expect that the high secret treasure of Shengfeng University was summoned not by the clown Jker in her guess, but by the magician.
Who’s wrong with the clown card?
As for Lu Chen’s feeling that it is taboo, it is also divided into strong and weak admiration. When the magician is strong, the world moves forward, and a playing card is suddenly torn up.
Another force arrival destroyed the magician’s trick in an instant.
"This is not the place where you can leave the human with the ultimate blood, so you can retreat."
This time, Lu Chen understood that the language of luck belongs to him to exchange an old saying.
The magician seems to be somewhat surprised. "Come on, I heard that you are completely silent. It seems that you are always inaccurate."
However, he didn’t panic at all. It was still a casual picture. Before he snapped his fingers, the plain poker disappeared and a new red poker appeared in his hand.
He looked back at the direction of Liu Chen and the painting pear clothes, or looked at the painting pear clothes. "I am optimistic about the law of fate."
As he spoke, dozens of playing cards flew out like the best magician on the stage. In a moment, the world turned into a gray moon with a cartoon clown’s face and made a gag.
Deep in the inner world, red seems to be blocked by another force, but it is blocked by the iron wall built by playing cards.
There was a loud noise in the world department, and the magician’s cards were also broken. The dark and unknown forces spread, and the cards were dyed black and then decayed and fell.
The magician put one hand on his forehead. "It’s really a headache. Is there a big movement? Why are you awake?"
He saluted in the direction of the inner world, like a magician retreating in the direction of Lu Chen and the pear painting shop when he performed a curtain call, and said with a smile, "It’s a little troublesome to fight. Why don’t we withdraw?"
Lu Chen was stupefied. Why did he feel different from the magician he remembered? Shouldn’t the other party be crazy about dragging cool clothes and blowing up the sky?
Why did you just run away after two moves?
But in a moment, he came to his senses, because in the world department, three powerful smells rose at the same time, except for the dark red and indescribable figure, and three smells rose, all of which were distorted and could not be looked directly at and threatened by this world.
No matter how strong the magician is, it seems that he can do more than a dozen. At best, he can take them away from here.
When it comes to the real world, no matter how strong the world taboos are, they dare not expect anything, unless they want the high world taboos to face each other. As a result, the whole world in the high world will be ruined and the whole world will be lost.
"Want to go? Leave the ultimate blood. "
In the depths of the world, the sound sounded again, and then several forces came at the same time and attacked Lu Chen’s place
The magician raised his hand and waved lightly. A group of white doves flew out of the virtual neutral force and collided with each other, annihilating their faces with a mysterious smile. "You can’t leave this guy after all …"
Before he finished his words, he made a snap of his fingers. First, the warships behind Lu Chen and Li Yi disappeared, and this world became open. Lu Chen and Li Yi also felt a strange and irresistible force and disappeared in place.
Lu Chen’s last sight was that a magic cloak appeared in the magician’s hand to cover them up.

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