Ulrich handed Dong Fangbubai’s blood-red coat to Qu Feiyan and said, "If you don’t smoke it, you will be Dong Fangbubai in the future."


Qu Feiyan took the blood-red coat with a serious face and nodded, "It’s Master."
Qu Fei Yan wore Dong Fangbubai’s red coat and kowtowed before kneeling on the sarcophagus.
She will come from Dong Fangbubai in the future.
Chen Yan covered the coffin, took Qu Fei Yan and Liu Qin out of the cave and sealed the entrance to the cave.
Qu Feiyan asked, "Master, where are we going now?"
Yan Chen looked at Qu Feiyan and Liu Qin and said, "Settle you two first, and then I want the Oriental leader of Heimuya to let me do one last thing before he died. I haven’t finished yet. I don’t deserve to be a leader. I won’t let him live."
Shaolin Temple failed to kill us. This time, Chen Yan denied that he would miss.
Qu Feiyan said, "Master, if my grandfather is still alive, please save him."
Chen Yan said, "If you want to kill our bank, others will get out of danger without my help."
Chapter 3 If you want to perish, you must be crazy first!
We sat as a leader for a few days, and he gathered his strength to defend the black wooden cliff against Chen Yanlai’s sneak attack.
Xiang Wentian to do the left.
Sun and Moon Shintoism has no place for Chen Yan.
In a few days, I can’t help but resent Blackwood Cliff for killing those who betrayed me in the past.
Even Qu Yang and Tong Baixiong were executed.
In just half a month, the Heimuya people were almost killed by our bank.
If heaven wants to destroy people, it must first make them crazy.
I’ll kill him this way, even if Chen Yan doesn’t come to Blackwood Cliff to find him, he’ll be finished.
"The leader can’t kill any more," said Xiang Wentian, kneeling in front of our bank. "If we beat the Dong Fangbubai Sun Moon Shintoism, we will be weakened and killed at Heimuya, but it will be over. Will we still be fighting the Wuyue Sword Sect?"
Our bank sneered, "shouldn’t people who betrayed the leader be killed?" These thieves are all Dong Fangbubai dog leaders, and they must be killed. I will kill them if I don’t follow the old lady! "
Xiang Wentian said, "But those leaders are all killed by our strength and strength. If Chen Yanlai attacks the dark wooden cliffs, we can’t stop them. These dark wooden cliffs are already in a state of panic, so we can’t go."
Our bank sneered: "Can ordinary masters contain Chen Yan? Do you want to get rid of Chen Yan or do you have to rely on top masters like the hierarch and Ling Huchong before others die? How many hierarch will not feel bad about Ling Huchong and Zuo Lengchan? Why haven’t you seen them these two days?"
I’m busy killing people these days, and now I find that I haven’t heard from Ling Huchong and Zuo Lengchan for two days.
Xiang Wentian said, "Ling Huchong, the founder of Hui Dynasty, and Zuo Lengchan have left Heimuya, and Wuyue Sword Sect will hold an alliance. Zuo Lengchan has great ambitions. He wants to merge Wuyue Sword Sect as the head of Wuyue Sect. Ling Huchong is now the head of Hengshan Sect, and Wuyue Sword Sect will also go to Ling Huchong."
I’ll be one leng.
Two top experts have left. What if Alex kills Blackwood Cliff?
Our bank took a deep breath of air pressure and was worried.
"Hum" I sneer at a "it seems that Ling Huchong is also unreliable. Without Ling Huchong and Zuo Lengchan, the old man can also deal with Ulrich Dong Fangbubai, who is dead. Can Ulrich be stronger than Dong Fangbubai? Old age is the real day first. "
It’s a sign that we are not confident when we say cruel words, but now he has no other way but to cheer himself up and deceive himself.

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