Twenty-four giant vines in heaven, a brilliant door is closing slowly outside the cosmic canopy.


Lin Chong couldn’t see the door before he knew the eternal truth.
I saw this sign after I knew it.
Not only Lin Chong, but also most Gao could see this sign.
From the metaphysical universe, you can see that giant vine representing life heaven has appeared more than ten cracks … Now Lin Chong looks at it not like a giant vine, but like a meat ball with a strange shape and splitting.
And the attachment to the world is constantly being swept down by his giant vines, which means that his heaven is taking advantage of the situation to snatch the resources belonging to the life heaven
The seventeen countries in the heaven of life are in constant turmoil, and there is also a feast of sharing life and heaven outside the heaven.
For the universe, knowledge represents strength. Lin Chong-dong worries more about the secrets of the heavens and sees more truth about them.
For example, the bare giant vine, which is like an iron bar and has a metallic luster from beginning to end, is clinging to life …
"Is it better to fight against heaven?"
Lin Chong looked at the giant vine that forced his life to be the tightest in heaven and muttered to himself.
You can tell the difference by knowing the name of Dou Sheng Tian and seeing Dou Sheng Tian.
Lin Chong’s eyes glanced over the giant vines one by one. He saw the magical days of wooden machinery hovering around, perfect as hiding the magic Luo Tian in the black fog, golden as Buddha’s light protecting the ambitious days, and the three-state mutual transformation of ice water and gas …
One heaven after another
Lin Chong took a look at the metaphysical universe when the life of the sub-starship group entered the metaphysical universe at the beginning of the crack, and the metaphysical universe looked like giant vines.
When the only secret in Kunlun became a reality, Lin Chong took another look, which was similar.
But today, it’s very different. It’s a giant vine or twenty-four magnificent giant snakes, and it can always present the only secret feature of heaven.
Getting more knowledge will broaden your horizons, and seeing the world is different.
Lin Chong really wants to know what the heavens should look like in the eyes of eternity.
A giant vine waddled past Lin Chong.
Fen is a bearded dragon.
Lin Chong, the "Four Spirits Worship the Dragon Family", had his name in his mind.
"Kunlun Vientiane Emperor …" The dragon suddenly turned around and the huge body connected with dozens of planets was violently pressed.
Lin Chong recoiled from consciousness and suddenly found that the dragon shadow merged with him as if the two could not touch each other.
"Ha ha ha ~" Si Longshi left with a smile. "If you can make it, I will swallow you up!"
Hehe, Lin Chong sneers and is too lazy to bicker with him. When the time comes, the country will beat you up. Long Longsun will set up Kunlun Heaven and then beat you up.
Although the sky is small and has small advantages, it is bounded, and the earthly world is hidden in history.
What is presented in the metaphysical universe is just a virtual shadow. All the heavens waved the earth high to attack, but Lin Chong’s evil taste like worshiping the dragon’s family could scare Lin Chong.
Lin Chong cast a glance at the magnificent side of the mysterious universe.
I suddenly feel that this should be a prototype of the universe on the other side of the earth.
If there are so many great biological races in the earth universe, it would be a very lively interstellar landscape.
That should be very interesting
Lin Chong took another look at the closing Tianmen.
I don’t know how long it will occupy the dome of the universe …
Lin Chong was about to disperse the high horizon.
Suddenly, I saw an object in the official history of Kunlun giving birth to dazzling light.
Looking there, Lin Chong saw a drop of my heart blood hovering over Luoxiang’s historical fragment. In that scroll, it was when Xu Junhu and Lin Man discussed the meaning of the word "Tao" and went to other heaven to seek a career.
Xu Junhu Lin Man left a drop of heart blood in his hand, which is equivalent to leaving it in the official history of Kunlun.
Once Lin Chong meets Xu Junhu, this heart blood will inspire induction.
"Xu Junhu Xuan universe?" Lin Chong was inexplicably amazed that there was a child of his own who finally made it. I feel that I haven’t seen it for several years. Is this a mixed success? No way!
I think it’s wrong. In recent years, I haven’t heard of any broken heaven except life. How can Xu Junhu achieve high achievements?
But Xu Junhu doesn’t have a high position, and he doesn’t know the only secret. How can there be his induction in the metaphysical universe?
Lin Chong pulled out that drop of heart blood from Kunlun history.
The only secret is given to the metaphysical form
Will see the drop of blood slowly change indeed as expected condensed Xu Junhu appearance.
As always, it’s still so well prepared.
"Xian ~ Long time no see!" Xu Junhu looked at Lin Chong with a very excited expression.
"Little Tiger, why are you here?" Lin Chong studied that Xu Junhu should be a god rather than a high god. How can he set foot in the metaphysical universe?
"Fairy time tight this for you!" Xu Junhu gave Lin a golden … Mao?
Chapter seven hundred and ninety-two Destiny Ji
The metaphysical universe is illusory
It’s a little similar to the time before the Big Bang on this side of the Earth’s universe, when all substances condensed at one point.
Of course, there is no physical concept at that point.
It is a processing point in human mathematics and physics.
Named’ singularity’ by the earth people.
The same is true of the metaphysical universe, which is a’ singularity universe’ supported by the queen mother soil when the gods and buddhas are broken.
Among the more than 20 unique concepts, roaming and manifesting are the initial appearance of this celestial world.
It should be like the singularity on the other side of the earth, and there is no possibility of achieving reality in theory.
However, because the only conceptual height limit is that no boundary can fully reflect it, the heights have this all-inclusive metaphysical universe.
So the metaphysical universe was "fished out" from the historical starting point by the high school students and became this appearance in front of Lin Chong.
The bureau of countermeasures recognizes that the metaphysical universe is a’ cosmic membrane’ on which all the worlds belong.
Every detail of the changes in the heavens will appear here.
If you want to have the highest knowledge, you can know all the secrets of the heavens in the metaphysical universe.
For example, Lin Chong observed that all the high people he knew about the celestial Lord were different because of the only secret in their hands.

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