Qin Yuwen immediately replied, "Uncle, you misunderstood me. I didn’t give this money to settle accounts with my brothers, nor did I want to pay back my feelings and feelings with this 170 million yuan. I don’t know how to make up for your efforts. Do you understand?"


Yu Wanqing smell dazed one.
"Uncle, you mean I’m white." Qin Yu said seriously after a long silence. "I’ll give it to you."
"It’s like a human saying," Yu Wanqing sighed. "Forget it and drink."
Qin Yuwen immediately poured Yu Wanqing wine "… I accompany you to drink good uncle today"
"Don’t fucking do this" Yu Wanqing pie mouth scold a way "you just let me get upset less"
Sha Jia, the first member of the General Political Department meeting of the ninth district military department, made an active contact with some large-scale economic, political and military exhibitions of "anti-Chen forces" in the seventh district.
This proposal was immediately supported by most senior executives of the General Logistics Department of the Shenyang-Luhan Military Department in a war zone, and the commander Zhou of the World War II area was forced to agree with the Shajia proposal on the surface.
After the meeting.
Shen Yin angrily returned to his home and met his father and his cousin.
"Xiaofei, it’s settled. Go out first." Shen Wanzhou said to his nephew.
"Good" looks ordinary and not tall. Shen Fei nodded at uncle and turned around and said hello to Shen Yin. "Then I’ll go first."
"Well" Shen Yin nasal hum a.
Shen Fei pushed the door and left with a smile.
After people left, Shen Yin finally could not control his emotions. "Dad, what do you mean? Sha Yong just arranged for Yang He to be the second in command of Songjiang without you and took over part of my profits. What is this? "
Shen Wanzhou saw his one eye and picked up the cup.
"Yang He is from World War II, commander Zhou, and Feng family are close to many senior officials in World War II. Aren’t you putting nails in your own house?" Shen Yin drank excitedly and asked, "What’s the point of doing this?"
Shen Wanzhou took a sip of tea and said flatly, "You and Yang He will come from Songjiang after six months’ shift. Later, Shen Fei will give Yang He a deputy and will be responsible for some moves against Sichuan Fu Chen Gu."
Shen Yin was stunned when he heard this.
"After you come from Songjiang, I’m going to send you to the EU for further study for three years." Shen Wanzhou said wearily. "If nothing happens, you can be the head of the logistics department when you come back."
It’s a very dangerous signal for Shen Yin to be white again. It says … my father is going to abandon him and let him leave the profit center, while his cousin will take over and take charge of everything.
"Dad what? ! Yang He is a hardcore in World War II. Why should he be enlightened? " Shen Yin never dared to yell at his father before, but this time he couldn’t control his emotions and drank with red eyes and asked, "And what will you think of me after you brought me the war zone and the military general manager?" You’re my dad, and if you don’t protect me, can anyone else protect me? !”
Shen Wanzhou clap table and stare eyes shouted, "I don’t want to protect you? Huh? ! Can I protect you? Everything Sha Yong’s father said to me today is full of negative emotions. You know what this is, but you still ask me? Think about your ass. If my son were a fucking character, would I be a nephew? !”
Shen Yin froze.
"If you have a choice, I would have let you be the deputy commander of a war zone, but can you do it? !” Shen Wanzhou hate iron not to produce scold a way "every day with Sichuan government as an imaginary opponent, do you know that Wu Di has given Qin Yu a price of 200 million yuan, which was acquired by the military in World War II area, but it took people Tiancheng Group to withdraw from Songjiang so easily? Where is your big picture? Huh? ! Don’t you know who Sha Yong is? Can you send him to the front line about fighting and killing? What the fuck is wrong with your brain? I gave you advice from the headquarters before work, but I don’t know what the fuck it is to stay with you for a few years. "
Shen Yin stared at his father.
"You can’t even see what Yang He has been pulled out. Your pattern is here. I’m tired. I don’t want to see you go out." Shen Wanzhou sighed and waved.
Song Yingjun finally woke up after being in a coma for dozens of hours.

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