This means that those who are outstanding in this ability can take charge of the Kun-class starship by creating 100 thousand avatars.


The future is promising …
Although at this moment, I saw the scene of the first soaring human body armor as a defense and set foot on the country through the current situation broadcast, but Lin Chong’s mind has already emerged that future.
It all makes sense.
The speed of human exploration of nature is fast. If an observer observes the earth over a span of ten thousand years, then the first sight that the observer sees is the earth’s first slash and burn. The original human raised his head and looked up at the starry sky, giving birth to a scene of ignorance and curiosity. When the observer looks at the earth again, he has traveled in the stars.
Imagine a future.
Pay attention or be careful.
After this campaign, Kunlun actually occupied Hui, Rui and Jin countries.
However, it is a little embarrassing that the country is polluted, and the territory of Switzerland is actively narrow. The Jin State still has Lin Tianyi as a time bomb.
"It’s time to start a one-step strategy plan," said the bureau of countermeasures. "We have just occupied Switzerland, Pengguo and Zhou Guo have sent congratulations and intend to send envoys to visit. At the same time, Switzerland has established a liaison office, that is, the embassy. We agree in principle."
Pengguo is Dapeng with golden wings, and Zhou Guo is extremely fond of it.
It’s not in vain to love Switzerland when you attack it.
She wants to invite Lin Chong to attack Germany together.
This Germany is not the earth that Germany.
It’s made by a certain heaven, so which heaven Lin Chong hasn’t figured out yet.
I love this requirement very much, and I am confident. In those days, Lin Chong, a physical person, promised to help her to explore a’ world’.
"What world was said to be earthly at that time?" Lin Chong snorted.
"Germany is also a dangerous target marked by us. It is beneficial to Kunlun by spying on a country’s intelligence." The countermeasures bureau said, "In addition, your promise of Xiandi’s adult is still to be fulfilled, otherwise it may become a’ handle’."
The so-called handle is not the handle of speech, but the words that are spoken are thrown out. The only secret in the sky is so mysterious that maybe this unfinished promise will be the key.
"Do you love German materials very much?" Lin Chong asked the countermeasure bureau that he was busy recently and made the countermeasure bureau love communication very much because Lin Chong didn’t want to rack his brains to deal with this woman.
Xuanpeng also visited Germany.
Explore the country, be famous and pure.
And the country has a vast territory, which is slightly smaller than Peng’s according to Xuanpeng.
According to Xuanpeng, there are 30 robberies in Germany, and there are as few as 30 robberies in Germany.
With Xuanpeng at him, Dapeng with Golden Wings can really grasp a lot of information, but it is necessary to keep some vigilance in the end. It is really necessary to talk to Dapeng with Golden Wings. Lin Chong’s current information level can judge whether Dapeng with Golden Wings is true or false.
"I love to talk to you face to face," said the Bureau of Countermeasures.
Ah, Lin Chong smiled. As expected, he loved thinking very much, or he was the Kunlun master.
"See you then," said Lin Chong.
Appointment place
Naturally, it is to choose Xu Guo.
Switzerland’s state-owned forest, clothes and clothes will be polluted, and Kunlun will rule the land, so it is still peaceful for Xu Guo.
Jin Guo zhong yuan cheng
This place was temporarily used as a starship earth station.

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