Rick Fang nodded and said with a light smile, "Aunt blazing with anger really belongs to the younger generation."


"She is your person? Do you cultivate her like this? "
"Xiao Ye is my newly adopted sister."
"Yimei?" The wrong novel network doesn’t jump. Nangong Xiang is quite interesting. There is an unknown smile among the leaders. Suddenly, he smiled slightly. "After a year and a half, let her be my apprentice and inherit my mantle?"
Rick Fang couldn’t help but be overjoyed. "It’s a blessing for generations of Xiao Ye to get aunt’s favor."
Feng Ye also heard the conversation between the two. Obviously Nangong Xiang deliberately let her hear that Nangong Xiang looked at her judo at this time. "Would you like to?"
Feng Ye blinked his eyes and nodded. "Since my brother wants to, of course I have no problem."
"Don’t you ask me if I’m human?" Wrong novel network does not skip words.
Feng Yeji way "to ask? My brother is willing to. That must be no problem. "
The nangongshan sweet smile suddenly whispered in Feng Ye ear "if your brother doesn’t want to? To tell you the truth, I am a big shot, and I feel very congenial to you. I will not only teach you peerless martial arts, but also give you enemy wealth. "
Feng Ye gave her a disdainful look, took a step back and simply said, "I don’t care who you are. My brother doesn’t want to, and of course I don’t want to."
The nangongshan incense heart Rick Fang handsome face slightly red in the heart a nasty looking at quite some ceremony Feng Ye way "Xiao Ye pay attention to manners".
"No harm" Nangong Xiang smiled casually and looked at the outspoken Feng Ye, who couldn’t help loving her, lovingly patted her on the head and praised, "What a good boy! You are lucky to have such a good brother. Your brother has you?" Img sr=’/sss/fmgeyimehidjpg "> 7 frames? nbsp; "
… …

Straight the nangongshan incense seated in the guest area Rick Fang just take back their eyes when I saw this, Liujia couldn’t help but be jealous and asked, "Xu, who is she? Seems to be familiar with you? "
"It’s an old friend of my master’s. She’s not young. She looks so young because she’s in the face." Rick Fang naturally knew that Liujia was careful and explained with a smile.
"Oh, that’s right." Liu Jia was relieved and then asked curiously. "She seems to have a lot of people accompanying her. She is also really beautiful. It’s the first time I saw Dou Yun’s appearance or temperament. If she is quite a woman."
Liujia said that it is true that Nangong Xiang’s intimate conversation with Rick Fang Nangong Xiang has attracted attention, and Yunruo and others in the distance are no exception.
"Who is this woman? How to be familiar with Xu’s brother? Behind her are all leaders of the alliance. It seems that she is well-known. "Tianyun’s strange way."
"She is the real first master of the Nangong Xiangbai Road, but she is a temptress who specializes in bad people’s marriage. The temptress is even more a temptress who has lived for more than 150 years. She showed intimacy with Rick Fang because she wanted to learn from his mouth that Rick Fang’s master had fallen." Mo Wen hated that Gujingbo Mo Wen, a Nangong incense, was surprisingly gnashing her teeth.
After listening to Mo Wen’s explanation, I know that this beautiful woman should be so surprised if Ji Yun can’t help secretly. At the same time, a high-hanging heart has finally been released, and Tianyun can’t help but be stunned. "She is Nangong Xiang? She was the first beauty of the year, but it was exaggerated that she was alive at such a big age. Why is she still so beautiful? It’s really … it’s unbelievable. "At the end of the day, the tone of Yun was mixed with envy and surprise.
"Hum, it’s rare and strange that her strength has already reached the state of returning to the world, which is much more severe than breaking through the mystery of life and death. It’s nothing to stay young forever. My master is as beautiful as her." Mo Wen was a little impatient and showed off like a child, saying that his expression was cold and proud.
Aside cloud yiyi vomit vomit small tongue dare not believe light shout a way "mo elder sister is it true? How can they be so charming when they are over 150 years old? God, if I can still be so beautiful at the age of fifty, thank God for Amitabha. "
Daughters looked at her charming and funny expression and couldn’t help laughing.

A total of 543 pieces will be auctioned in one and a half days, roughly divided into several categories, such as jade porcelain, painting, jewelry, sword and so on. In the afternoon auction, the reserve price of some jade and porcelain is mostly expensive and highly collectible. More than 100 pieces of treasures were auctioned in one afternoon, and the auction scene was hot. The frequent bidding exaggeration was also jaw-dropping. For example, one of the three-legged stoves with two ears and three animals in the Northern Song Dynasty was glazed with smooth glaze and large and small pieces with dark brown reserve price of RMB 130,000. A rich man’s sky-high price of 970,000 yuan made a scene of uproar, and Rick Fang estimated that although the three-legged stove was a good one, it was worth at most 220,000 yuan. These bidders, except those real collectors, were cautious and thoughtful, and many super-rich people simply took part in this charity auction with a mentality of boasting about wealth but fighting against it.
Anyway, it’s a charity auction to praise the rich, and it’s also a good deed. I don’t know if it will be filmed when the array is broken. Hi is really a little nervous. It is estimated that everyone will fight for a broken head and Nangong Xiang will suddenly come. Maybe it has something to do with the array.’
At noon, Rick Fang was rushed to the park’s small conference room by Pang Zhi just after lunch, and it was clearly visible in the corridor through the conference room glass that several policemen were whispering.
Rick Fang couldn’t help laughing internally.’ But I hope they ask quickly and don’t delay the afternoon jewelry auction. I want to send Ruo Ruo Xiao Ye some gifts.’
The second volume Chapter one hundred and twenty-nine
The second volume Chapter one hundred and twenty-nine
CZ amusement park meeting room corner
An Ming is sitting here alone, fidgety, frowning, smoking one cigarette after another. The ashtray is full of cigarette butts. I received a report early this morning that a very strange thing happened in a presidential suite of Tianfu Hotel. It is quite strange that most of the facilities in the room have disappeared.
The police who arrived at the scene looked at the clusters of dazzling golden luster sand in the room. Everyone froze. Although the scene was somewhat strange, the police still followed the formal procedure to investigate. First, they blocked the scene and then made a record, and then they returned to the police station. After listening to the report, An Ming did not take it as a big deal. His family asked him to investigate the detailed information of the presidential suite guests, and his family decided whether it was missing before filing a case. However, An Ming was also very curious about these dazzling luster sands and ordered them to be sent to the technical department for analysis.
But who knows that it wasn’t long before Ann’s name was called by the director, and it took a long time to come back. It was very serious and somewhat gloomy.
"What’s the matter? Is there a big case?" The wrong novel network doesn’t jump words. The policeman Lao Tao is very excited and even asks.
Careful Zhao Xiaoying saw that Ann’s name seemed unusually busy and winked at Lao Tao to signal him to be quiet. Then he asked softly, "Is something wrong with Ann’s head?"
"Put everything in hand" Ann sighed a long time before adding "preparation meeting"
"… Tianfu Restaurant is very serious. There are three people missing from the presidential suite. The guest’s name is Jiang Chuan, who is twenty-one years old. She is the only child of the provincial party committee of J Province and also a VIP of the century conference. Last night, he disappeared together. There are two people, one is Huanglong, who is twenty-seven years old, and the other is Cheng Xiang, who is twenty-six years old. Both of them are guests of the century conference. Since last night, their families have joined their mobile phones. Alas, the director of this matter has been disturbed." An Ming simply said a few words It’s already being printed, and it will be sent to everyone in a few minutes. Well, the director gave a dead order. Well, forget it. Mobilize all forces. All police stations will thoroughly investigate the scene, check the city, check the century conference, check three people … check it. "
More minutes at ten o’clock in the afternoon

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