"Why? You know!"


Ginger smile in accordance with the ignored him again a teleport left the room, leaving Robert a person deeply frowned.
To tell the truth, he has never let him down in choosing this man, but this forbearance effort is really too much.
"-stop this time? I booked the second knot for nothing. Really? I will inform the commander-in-chief that we will arrive in 30 minutes. "
Street cafe Youruolan elegantly put away the ear hole microphone and asked to look at Shen Hero who was drinking black tea leisurely.
"Is it necessary to crack down on the suspension of the East China Sea consortium, that is, the lack of moon plan?"
Slowly put the cup Shen Yingxiong asked with a smile.
You Ruolan nodded. "It’s true. Twenty-two hundred people from various strongholds have completed the settlement of the master. He has now left the headquarters of Tongding City and is scheduled to meet us at the second node in the plan."
"Wait a minute! I’m confused. What the hell is going on? What exactly is the moon-missing plan? Isn’t this time to punish the participants in the incident two years ago? Laugh. He’s leaving the branch headquarters again? "
Aside Li Daotong listen to puzzling a confused look at the round table if two people deep and remote orchid mouth master, he naturally know who is in addition to that year to buy her ginger smile in accordance with there is no one else.
You ruolan has always been this name for Jiang Xiaoyi, even if she joined Tianquemen like them, it hasn’t changed. In principle, since she is already a classmate, the servant and servant have naturally been lifted, but even after being advised several times by Fang Nan and Jiang Xiaoyi, the blind girl still maintains her original habit.
And this is that most annoy place for Li Daotong.
Although I like this girl as much as Shen Hero, there are already people in each other’s eyes, and I know that there is no hope, but I still maintain this feeling.
Even today, I refuse to give up the symbolic title that maintains the bond between the two people.
Then again, Jiang Xiaoyi has been there for almost two and a half years, and he hasn’t left the place where Tongdingcheng headquarters is located. Everything is left to them except the fix true person and the demon family.
And now the bright moon provinces do not have anything necessary for him to make moves.
What is it that needs him to leave the headquarters of Tongdingcheng and come forward in person?
"The moon-missing plan was designed by A Xiao as early as half a year ago, aiming at the Moon Market Gate. Because the name of the Moon Market Gate has a month in it, A Xiao named the plan Moon-missing because he wanted to wipe out all their strengths in the southern border. Of course, this was the original purpose, and now this plan bears the mission of procrastination, but you don’t need to know too clearly about this."
"Sweeping the East China Sea consortium’s enterprises and branches is the initial part of this plan. The purpose is to gather all the forces of the hall as much as possible without causing the alarm of the moon market. Now it is the real lack of moon plan. Do you understand me?"
At the table, a dozen gold coins, Shen Yingxiong got up and wore a trench coat and walked to the door of the store.
Shen Yingxiong quickly put coffee and ran after him shoulder to shoulder with Shen Yingxiong. "Hero, you haven’t told me such a big thing. What don’t I know?"
"What does your sister Lingxiang know about this plan? How should I know that Ah Xiao won’t let you know? However, he did say several times that your temper has been affected by rage recently, and he has warned you many times, hasn’t he? Always go together! You have a share in this plan. "
Shen Hero didn’t stop and pushed the door of the coffee shop. At the moment when the wooden door hit, he and Li Daotong looked very neat.
At this time, you Ruolan exclaimed, "Brother Hero, be careful!"
Chapter three hundred and ninety-six Tools
"Hero you this is how to return a responsibility, and people just now? Who can force you to do this when you go to that place? "
Such as Shen Yingxiong, three people approached and were talking to Su Bingcheng. Jiang Xiaoyi picked his eyebrows and looked at Shen Yingxiong. Although Shen Yingxiong concealed it well, he can easily see that the ox horn youth’s true qi floating was slightly injured.
"It’s just a minor injury. It’s nothing. It takes a while to recover, and it won’t affect the next battle."
Shen Yingxiong doesn’t care and smiled. "But the person who hurt me is really worried. However, it is no less than my true qi two years ago, and his degree is six times. I’m afraid that others are no match except you, me and Xiaoyun. If I don’t make that ability two and a half years ago, it will be defeated."
His voice down Jinyang Wolf back a few people can’t help but move Li Daotong and Youruolan. These two witnesses were surprised by Shen Yingxiong’s injury just now. If it weren’t for each other, they almost didn’t see the evaluation of the attacker just now.
And the ice city is directly surprised by Shen Hero’s strength. In this group of people, Shen Hero’s fighting power can be questioned. Even he dares to say that his opponents are as powerful as you can imagine.
"Six notes?"
Jiang Xiaoyi also frowned. "What are the characteristics of that person?"
"What’s the matter?"
Shen Yingxiong held the meeting in his hand and said, "The fight was too short and his degree was really very fast. What impressed me most was his age. Although the other party’s illusion concealed his appearance, his eyes and figure seemed to be about fourteen years old. Of course, it didn’t rule out that the other party made him look good at this age. In addition, during the battle, his whole body would emit a flame similar to red and sun phlogistic, which could increase the temperature to 20,000 degrees. It should be unusual to have such a horrible fire ability in the blood family."
"That’s right!"
Jiang Xiaoyi was relieved to hear this. In fact, he had almost guessed who it was when he heard about Shen Hero earlier. However, he was not sure at that time that it was extremely dangerous to leave such a master in his own classroom.
But after relaxing, his heart is suspicious. If it is the man’s words, it does have six times the tone, and the characteristics of Cheng Zi’s East Emperor Taiyi’s protective phlogistic are just like what Shen Hero said just now. However, he attacked Shen Hero because he didn’t know the other side. In fact, the young man with stubble horns in front of him actually saved that guy’s life.
And before that, although neither side has been in contact with each other in a sober state, that person should also learn from his own information that Shen Hero is their identity and appearance.
Forget it. I don’t know the specific situation. It’s also good to think about it. You can ask face to face after today’s things are done.

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