It is obvious that investing trillions of people will not give up domestic chips and domestic systems easily. This is intended to smash a market abruptly.


"Jack suggested the nuclear issue?" Aside Zhang Xiao look a little hesitant.
Jack Ma put the newspaper and patted his head as clever as an alien. He didn’t have the confidence to face Huang Xiuyuan and his terrible influence.
Although Ali payment system has developed rapidly this year, time information and time wallet have developed more rapidly.
Only local water companies access banks and operators are partial to adding time information, and the line entities gradually expand, and then cooperate with cloud inspection platform and members of cloud inspection quality association.
Let the time wallet registration reach 67.42 million, knowing that the time blog is only about 2.36 million at present.
It seems that there are more than 5.1 billion registered Taobao. The problem is that these waters are unusually large.
If you really think about it, you will know that in the 21 ST century, when smart phones are just emerging, there are only 1.4 billion people in China, and people with brains and smart phones will not exceed half of the population.
The real number of amoy nets is at most 200 million, which is still calculated as large as possible
Zhang Xiao, who is in charge of the specific operation of Taotao. com, has read the quarterly business report in the time information release information.
At present, the average daily flow of is about 127 times that of Time Blog.
One is more than six times the amount of time information, but the daily flow of software is 127 times, which shows how much water is hidden in it.
"I need to calm down for a while." Jack Ma closed his chair and meditated.
Suddenly the door was knocked, and the assistant hurried to the door and found that it was Liu Hongyi and a business representative of Taiji.
"Jack, you are in a leisurely mood."
When Jack Ma opened his eyes and saw Liu Hongyi’s haggard face, he knew that the other party had been under pressure recently. After all, Gusu had a blind eye to the Oriental Chip Industrial Park next to Hangzhou.
This time, Liu Hongyi’s betting country is absolutely thankless, and his recent career has also been seriously affected.
If it weren’t for the fact that there is no mature brain manufacturer in China, it would definitely not be able to carry this wave of blows.
"I don’t want to speak in the afternoon," Jack Ma replied with a smile on his face.
Although they are all members of Taishan Club, Ma Jieke has already established his own Jiangnan Club.
Liu Hongyi also saw that the indifference in the eyes was also mutually beneficial, and it was already a face without falling into the well.
"I just want to discuss a software ecological problem with Jack."
It is said that Jack Ma kicked the topic back. "What’s always Liu’s opinion?"
Jack Liu Hongyi can show a little card for not seeing a rabbit and not spreading an eagle. "If Ali supports Oriental Chip, I will introduce Ali to the ball semiconductor club to enter the international market and help you expand the domestic market later."
"Ball Semiconductor Club?" Jack Ma hesitated for a moment.
This club was established half a year ago to suppress and deal with China Semiconductor.
If it weren’t for the official attitude, the International Semiconductor Club would have banned the time information in person, but it has never stopped making small moves. Negative optimization, hacking and spreading rumors and smearing are commonplace.
Jack Ma certainly knows that joining the International Semiconductor Club is indeed of great help to Ali in playing the international market, but this warlords is also very big.
Although he is eager to enter the international market, he knows that once the Chinese market can’t keep up with the international market, he will certainly lose it.
After struggling for a long time, he still chose to wait and see "I need to discuss with his partner."
Liu Hongyi knew that Jack Ma, the fox, implied that Ali would not team up easily.
Obviously, a number of internet companies have been scared by the 16 trillion yuan, and now they are hesitant about connecting nuclear issues.
Not to mention the team international semiconductor, which is simply gambling on the company’s future. Jack Ma is not stupid. How can he promise Liu Hongyi?
Heart very disappointed Liu Hongyi chatted a few words and left in a hurry.
Looking at the ample air conditioning in the swinging corridor hotel from Xiaobao makes people shudder.
After a number of internet companies in many countries touched the soft nail, Liu Hongyi felt a sense of exhaustion.
Looking at the endless traffic on the Third Ring North Road in front of the hotel, he was a little distracted. "Am I really wrong?"
Several genera or so also looked at each other, wondering if they could choose silence.

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在这个快节奏、高压力的都市生活中,女性朋友们常常需要寻找一处可以放松身心、焕发青春光彩的场所。广州女子SPA,正是这样一个专业护理的圣地,它以其独特的环境、专业的护理团队和丰富的服务项目,为女性朋友们提供了一次次令人难忘的身心体验。 一踏入广州女子SPA,您就会被其优雅的环境所吸引。会所内部装饰精致,融合了东方传统与现代时尚元素,营造出一种宁静、舒适的氛围。柔和的灯光、雅致的家具和细致的装饰,让您仿佛置身于一个温馨的私人府邸,让您在繁忙的生活中找到片刻的宁静。 广州女子SPA拥有一支经验丰富、技术精湛的专业护理团队。他们以客户为中心,深入了解每位顾客的需求,提供个性化的护理方案。无论是面部护理、身体按摩还是足底疗养,每一位技师都具备专业的技能和丰富的经验,能够为您提供全方位的呵护。 在面部护理方面,广州女子SPA引进了国际知名品牌的护肤产品,结合专业的手法,帮助您改善肌肤问题,焕发肌肤光彩。无论是美白、保湿还是抗衰老,都能在这里找到适合您的解决方案。 身体按摩是广州女子SPA的招牌项目之一。专业的按摩师会根据您的身体状况和需求,运用不同的按摩手法,帮助您缓解肌肉紧张、舒缓疲劳。在按摩过程中,您还可以享受到香薰精油带来的舒缓效果,让您身心得到彻底的放松。 广州女子SPA还提供一系列特色服务,如瑜伽、冥想、汗蒸等,这些项目有助于提高您的身体素质,增强免疫力,让您在繁忙的生活中保持健康。 在服务过程中,广州女子SPA注重细节,为您营造一个尊贵、私密的体验空间。舒适的休息区、温馨的接待区和专业的护理室,每一个空间都经过精心设计,让您在享受护理的同时,感受到家的温馨。 此外,广州女子SPA还定期举办各类健康讲座和活动,让您在享受护理的同时,还能学习到更多的健康知识,提高自我保健意识。 总之,广州女子SPA是一个专业护理的圣地,它以专业、温馨的服务,帮助女性朋友们焕发青春光彩。在这里,您将找到属于自己的美丽秘籍,重拾自信,焕发活力。快来广州女子SPA,让专业护理成为您青春的守护者吧!