Ding Qing frighten to death dragged him, "the elder brother of the dog can’t ah you come to my house as soon as it gets dark, ok? I am afraid of my own family! "


Seeing Ding Qing scared like this, Pi two dog nodded and said, "Well, I’ll be at your house as soon as it gets dark!"
"Brother Dog, I’ll cook braised pork for you at my house for dinner!"
Ding Qing saw that Pi two dog was scared to go back to the factory class because she was also anointed with oil on the soles of her feet.
Besides, Pi two dog’s goods came home with a bang, and Mopan, the sister of the foot supermarket, flashed in after she entered the door.
"two dog, come here and tell you a good news to make you laugh!" Sister Mopan came in and slapped him on the body and touched his face.
"What good news?"
"It was the bully who was so fierce that she became honest after you cleaned up her son. Guess what? Last night, that woman sent me a big box of milk and a bunch of health care to my house, which was a gift and a kowtow!" Mopan elder sister smiled to reveal a row of white teeth way
"Mopan elder sister that this is a good thing."
"You don’t know that the bully has come to beg me. She knows that I miss you so much that she wants me to lobby you to help him treat his son!"
A listen to is this Pi two dog shook his head like a rattle. "Shrimp? How is that possible? After curing him, he will continue to be a village bully. That ya is my great enemy for nine days and nine days. He still wants me to help him see a doctor and dream! "
"two dog, I think his mother is very sincere. She really wants to repent. She swore that if you want to cure her son and her family, they will move out of Da Nai Village and turn over a new leaf!" Mopan elder sister watched Pi two dog way
"Sister Mopan listened to you and you promised her?" Pi two dog leng leng
"How dare I promise this without your consent!" Mopan elder sister said as she spoke, she kissed her.
Pi two dog pushed her, "Mopan elder sister, I listen to you. You are very happy! Tell me the truth. Does the old lady give you money besides things? "
"two dog, you listen to me-"Big Mopan told Pi two dog that his parents had died long ago, and she was brought up by her brother.
"I want to repay the old lady for fifty thousand yuan! Of course, anyway, the bully stole Lingyao. If you don’t agree with this money, I will return it! " Mopan sister eagerly looked at Pi two dog and said that from her almost pleading eyes, she really hoped that he could nod.
"Sister Mopan, this is not a trivial matter. I have to think about it!" Pi two dog’s heart says that Niang Xipi is a bully, and now it’s silly. Isn’t it just that there is a village bully missing in Da Nai Village and the people are safe? If you go to save him again, it’s wild.
第17章 王红裳傻眼了
It is no wonder that since yesterday, vegetables have grown in several fields, and these acres of fields have become the sacred fields of the villagers!
Speaking of Kanda, everyone is envious and jealous.
Seeing that Kanda was a treasure trove of geomantic omen, the leather cannon changed the law and wanted to take Kanda for himself in the name of research in the village.
"It’s not up to you. This is the vote of the village Committee of Danai Village. Not only your family, but also the Xianghuajia and wang hong Shangjia have to be recycled!" Y2k tone tough way
"That’s my ancestral field. Oh, you said recycling is recycling? If you want to recycle, you can change ten acres of land without losing a point! " Pi two dog took the opportunity to increase the chip way
"Turtle calf, you lion’s mouth! I can’t wait for my news for such a big event as an acre for ten acres!" Y2K spat at the ground and walked away.
Pi two dog scolded 1 behind his back. This old withered goods is not a thing!
At 9 o’clock in the afternoon, the dog planted a mountain with 30 kilograms of Sanqi species and 20 kilograms of heavy buildings. He was just about to hit the gate to see wang hong’s petticoat panting and ran in and took the journey. "The old two dog Millennium bug said he would replace our Kanda. What do you say?"
"That’s what I said. Give me ten acres of fertile land and I’ll agree to change the Millennium bug and go to the village head!" Pi two dog hippies looked at wang hong straight way
A listen to his small promised wang hong petticoats before I was so angry that I gave him a stamp. "You still laugh! That’s Shentian. Your home area is the largest. Don’t promise! Me, Xiang Hehua, Tang Erbo and Liu Honglian, we agreed to resolutely not change the skin and the cannon can still eat us? "
"Sister Hongshang, I have promised to speak out, and I can’t get the water back if I spill it!" Pi two dog was so happy that he said
"You are still happy that fools ignore you!" Wang hong petticoats black at the moment almost didn’t make him dizzy.
Real skin two dog told her that those fields can grow crops against the sky not because of where the fields are, but because he is praying for spiritual rain!
But when you look back, you will know that bragging is better than supernatural things, so as to save wang hong from treating him as a mental derangement.
"Daughter-in-law, I’m not a fool. Oh, by the way, don’t you have classes today? If you don’t have a class, you will plant medicinal herbs together. If you plant them, we will split them in half! " Pi two dog excitedly looking at wang hong petticoats way
"Silly, how can there be mountain herbs? It’s strange to grow them alive!" Wang hong petticoats disgruntled malicious white his one eye.
"Haven’t tried how to know kind of not live? What if you live? " Pi two dog said that I have the skill of asking for rain, and it should be no problem if the rain is watered.
"Hum, if you plant a job, I’ll let you kiss for a minute!" How can you grow medicinal materials if wang hong Shang doesn’t believe in mountains when he is killed? How can you grow medicinal materials without water there?
"Kiss for two minutes!" This guy fart Dian chip way
"That’s two minutes, but what if it doesn’t work?" Wang hong Shang cunningly threw a big bang.
"You tell me."
"If you don’t live, you can’t promise to change the field!"
"Achievement is such a deal!" Pi two dog was so happy that he couldn’t see his eyes.
Wang hong stamped his foot in shame and said, "I’ll hit you if you call your daughter-in-law again!" Said and ran home to get the guy.
The two bridges will go together into the Da Nai Mountain.
After walking along the new narrow path for half an hour, I finally reached the location of the ancient temple.
When you get there, you can see two ancient temples in black blind wandering around.
Wang hong Shang screamed when he saw black blind detain, "two dog, run!" Pick him up and run
I didn’t think that the two black blind smelled Pi two dog’s Xiao Kuang Huo Wen and printed it out, but suddenly they got scared and fled.
Pi two dog hippies said happily, "Sister Hongshang, look, black blind has run away. What the hell am I doing!"
Wang hong petticoats twist a head a see dumbfounded way "strange black blind seems very afraid of you? Two dog, you must have secrets from me! " Reminiscent of the first time two dog came, the surrounding animal department ran away.
"I didn’t lie to you. Maybe when I was a child, I used to come to the mountains to play and get acquainted with animals. I was a little naughty at that time. This animal broke its leg and that animal pulled out its hair. They ran away when they saw me!" Pi two dog made up a story that he said meow. If I tell the truth, I have a French seal in my hand that can expel birds and animals. Sister Hong Chang doesn’t believe it. It’s no wonder that I am!
"This guy is really a bear child when he was a child. It’s a bad thing to put rats in a girl’s bag. Haha!" This matter wang hong petticoats laugh belly pain.
Pi two dog didn’t answer her. This guy is looking at the wild Panax notoginseng left.
"Go against fate! It’ s a tall branch and a big round in one night! " He said that this product is like a miser. When he saw Jin Yuanbao pouncing on a hoe, he saw a big Sanqi that was half a catty fat!
Wang hong petticoats also lost screamed "oh my god so big notoginseng! Two dog, we are rich! "
"Then what are you waiting for?"

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