"Let’s go!" Wind and rain sage drink a way


"Can’t come to your surgery, after all, is the past era surgery affirmation method to block the evil Lord" Gu Qingshan shook his head.
The wind and rain sage got up and handed the baby to Gu Qingshan.
"She will marry you in the future … you can take her away and I’ll block it." The wind and rain saint said quickly.
The whole room is completely dissipated.
The black monster with four pairs of compound eyes came from the void step by step.
It looked at Gu Qingshan and shook his head. "It’s three years old … poor guy, you didn’t grow up and forced us to fight."
Wind and rain saints threw themselves behind Gu Qingshan.
She is a monster opposite hands pull.
In an instant, a magnificent and splendid river of time appeared in the sky.
The monster looked up.
"The era …" It continued with a hint of vigilance. "The era that belongs to you has already ended and replaced you. It is also the era of the universe. I didn’t expect you to join hands."
"An era will come to an end. This is a law that will never waver." The wind and rain sage said.
"In that case, you should also calmly accept that our time has become a minister of our time," said the monster.
"Even sentient beings can recuperate in the era of the universe, but your era will make everything go crazy and become a monster that loses itself-your era will transform everything and be terminated by the latecomers," said the wind and rain sage.
The monster said in silence, "So you can even see this … then there’s no way out."
It slowly said step by step toward the back.
"The evil spirits will come one after another from the moment of my arrival-the whole world welcomes us."
"You have long been abandoned and there is only one way to perish."
"I’ll have enough power to turn you into evil spirits the next time we meet."
"Looking forward to seeing you again"
The evil sound disappears.
It goes to the building where the saints live.
The wind and rain sage stared at the monster’s back and whispered quickly, "It’s coming to a busy person to kill, but it will expose my ability."
"I know" Gu Qingshan calm way
"Let’s go-I’ll take you away and get you enough time to grow up," said the wind and rain sage.
Gu Qingshan was silent for a long time and said, "No …"
The wind and rain sage looked down his eyes.
Not far away, all the saints talked excitedly around the monster.
-I don’t know what power that monster has made the saints completely unaware of what happened here.
Even a large building was destroyed, and there was a long river of time.
Such a huge movement has made the saints pay attention to it.
They are looking at the monster.
"How many resources did it take to summon this monster?"
"100 thousand sentient beings"
"Its body is as tough as a magic weapon. Once it is tempered into a war accidentally, it will surely kill all sides."
"It’s really good"
"It is worthwhile for us to survive the catastrophe and let all beings sacrifice some."
"That’s right"
Gu Qingshan quietly watching this scene.
The monster turned his head and glanced at him. Four pairs of eyes showed sarcasm.
"I’m afraid it’s never pleasant to be abandoned by all beings in your own time and want to save them-but the alternation of times has never stopped," said the monster telepathically
Gu Qingshan did not respond.
He held the baby in one hand and took the hand of the wind and rain sage in the other.
His eyes became firm and sharp.
It seems that he has made some decision.
Chapter three hundred and seventy-one The ages come!
The black monster with four pair of compound eyes gently raise his hand.
The laws of evil nature spread out from its hands and spread rapidly in all directions.
"You don’t come to Zhoushan to save the world, but they don’t come to Zhoushan to meet my destruction … This is the choice of the times."
It looked at Gu Qingshan awe and said

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