"I’m going to join an adventure group after graduation and travel around while I’m young," Lina said brightly.


It seems that I should have thought about it long ago.
"Probably will get married! I guess I have to follow the arrangement at home, "Della wrote." What about you, Knight Surdak? "
Surdak looked in the direction of Wall Village and said, "If there is no big accident, I will take the sheriff there in the wilderness outside Pagros Pass. You can come to me at any time if you go to the wilderness!"
Lina didn’t expect Surdak to become a barren sheriff and said
"Ah, are you really going to that remote place?"
Surdak nodded slightly and said
"Actually, my home is over there."
Then he said a few words of farewell to the two girls, wishing Surdak well before he waved and turned around and walked along the corridor of the dormitory building towards the stairs.
Just when Surdak was about to take the stairs, Lina chased him to a few steps and shouted to Surdak
"Oh, by the way, Knight Surdak almost forgot to tell you that there are always two young swordsmen who come to the college to look for you when you go out to perform the guard camp. They don’t seem to be Helensa."
Surdak paused slightly and turned to ask, "Lina, do you know their names?"
Lena and Della look at each other and shake their heads at the same time.
Della added, "Instructor Darcy Christie seems to know them …"
Surdak nodded and didn’t ask anything more. He turned and walked the stairs.
Chapter 51 Meet
A fart bug crawled slowly along the column in the dark stable …
The horse came from the battlefield with Surdak. Gubolai horse silently ate forage in the manger in the stable.
It has been kept in the stable for nearly two months since it broke its leg training ground two months ago. Gubo Lai Ma rattled his nose and swept his ponytail and flew around his ass as if wondering how long this chatting life would last.
Suddenly, a familiar figure flashed in Gubo Laima’s sight. He was alert and looked up to see Surdak coming towards him from outside the stable.
It kept scratching the ground, snorting and waving its ponytail to welcome Surdak.
Surdak walked into the stable and saw at a glance the horses fighting in the common battlefield …
He walked beside it, and Gubo put his head into Surdak’s arms and licked his face with his wet tongue.
Surdak affectionately hug it and rubbed its soft mane.
The broken leg has healed because of the strengthening scroll. This leg is stronger than before, and the scar edge has several veins and magic lines, just like its original skin color.
A stable keeper sent Suldak saddle cover to press the exquisite saddle. Suldak found that this ancient Bora horse was much stronger than before, and the original buckle hole of the saddle strap was no longer suitable for it. He put it out for two inches and barely fastened it.
Guborama couldn’t wait to get out of the stable. Surdak took him and slipped twice in front of the stable to see that his body seemed to have moved. Then he turned over and rode on his horse.
"I’m coming to pick you up, old chap. Let’s go home!" Surdak leaned over to stick to its ear and said
Guborama seemed to understand Surdak’s words. He tossed his head and let out a scream and ran towards the gate of the knight training ground.
The guard at the gate hurriedly pushed the door and gave a standard knighthood to Surdak.
The streets of Hailansa City seem a little narrow, and many lanes are covered by magic caravans, so some nobles still keep riding habits when they go out.
Andrew and Samira, the ogre Gulitim and other three colleges are leaning against the wall. Perhaps it is because the Maca aborigines and the imperial poor in the city of Invojimara are enemies. They seldom communicate with each other at ordinary times. Samira is carefully calibrating the alloy bow string. The back of the alloy bow is polished very smoothly, and the handshake place is inlaid with cork, which looks very delicate.
Andrew wrapped the linen strip with the axe behind him, and the outline of the axe could be seen clearly from the outside.
The ogre sits on the floor by the corner, so it won’t be so conspicuous to see Surdak riding out of the Knights Academy.
"Let’s go and take you to taste the best barbecue in Hailan Sa City …"
As soon as Gullit, the ogre, rose from the ground and was as strong as a mountain of meat, which immediately scared away several passers-by.
Because of the ogre Gullit, everyone can’t go to the lobby on the first floor of the restaurant. The manager of the dining restaurant is worried that Gullit may scare the dining guests in the lobby, so he politely asks Carl to agree to change the dining place of the group to the backyard on the first floor of the Three Bears Restaurant and ensure that the environment there is also very good and clean, and that no one will break in and disturb it.
In the early spring, many vines have not yet pulled out their branches and buds, which seems somewhat depressed.
The manager of the restaurant asked several waiters to set two big dining tables in the courtyard, and two chefs were transferred to take charge of barbecue cooking here. And Gulitlem, the ogre, recommended that it take a little time to roast the whole beef ribs and the whole outer ribs, but this did not affect the ogre’s enjoyment of dinner.
The most distinctive feature of Sanxiong Barbecue Restaurant is that you order food before entering the door, and many barbecues are already cooked. The ogre first ordered a batch of medium-rare steaks. The ogre just ate the barbecue for ten people in one bite.
Carl took a sympathetic look at Surdak. After all, Surdak made a promise to Gullit that he would have enough to eat, but now it seems that the ogre has such a big appetite. Even if Surdak changed all the salary given to the ogre by the guard camp into food, it is very likely that it would not be enough for him to eat.
Carl glanced at Andrew and Samira next to him and thought, fortunately, there are two normal ones at last.
There was a grilled fish and a plate of fruit salad on the plate in front of the half-elf archer. When she leaned over to eat the fruit, she lifted the linen hat pocket. The delicate elf-like side face appeared in front of Carl. Jeancard almost forgot to have a knife in her hand to cut the barbecue. Later, Carl also found that Samira’s ear elves were still different and her eyes were light red, which should be a degenerate elf lineage.
Surdak stepped on his foot on the desktop, which made Carl wake up looking at Samira in a daze. Carl realized that he might have just been rude. He quickly picked up the glass and took a sip of golden apple wine to hide his embarrassment.
Then let your eyes turn to Surdak’s face and ask him.
"Is everything finished here at Knights College?"
Surdak nodded his head.
Carl cut the steak on the plate into very neat squares, and then he sent the meat to the mouth. He asked Surdak while tasting fresh and juicy beef.
"When are you going back to Wall Village?"
Surdak said, "There are still some things to deal with tomorrow, and if it goes well, it will probably be the day after tomorrow."
Carl nodded. He knew that there were still some friends in Surdak Hailanza. I’m afraid he had to say goodbye. He said to Surdak, "The security team can still get an activity here. Don’t forget to take the money from the guard camp before you leave."

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